vineri, 6 martie 2015

04.Help: Linux to the rescue of older operating systems

  Let’s take care of a bit of old business first.
  As you know, when someone offers free stuff, we give it a few weeks in order to give each group, organization or individual in need a chance to respond. That’s what we’ll do with Mary Greenfield’s generous offer to donate free fabric, so give it another week and then we’ll forward responses to her.

  One of the most rewarding aspects of writing this column is realizing that it generates discussion, and here’s a response to that question about updates for an older computer running Windows ME:

  Dear Help! I have been around computers since the 1970s. I am a MSDOS programmer.
Microsoft no longer runs updates for ME, 2000 (or other, earlier operating systems); the updates are most likely viruses.
 If you want to run ME or XP or older Microsoft programs then this is the best way to do it: Linux Cinnamon with WINE (free compatibility software, short for “WINE IS Not An Emulator”) will run all of them; (install) Linux first, then WINE.

  The latest version of Linux Mint (a 32- and 64-bit operating system) may be found at To download WINE, go to
People updating the current obsolete programs should remember this: The newer computers will run the older programs, but the older computers may not will work on most newer software.
  Mainly, you will find that videos and movies are slower on older computers due to fact that the film industry now uses faster solid software, not film.
  Robert Rex Edwards



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