vineri, 6 martie 2015

02.Think the Galaxy S6’s hardware rips off the iPhone? Take a look at its software

galaxy s6 iphone copy

From a hardware perspective, there’s been a lot of talk regarding how the recently unveiled Samsung Galaxy S6 borrows a lot of design inspiration from the iPhone 6. Indeed, it’s hard to look at the two devices side by side and not see a number of striking similarities between the two.
And, truth be told, that’s quite all right. Apple, after all, shouldn’t be the only company on the planet allowed to make thinner smartphones with advanced and sturdier materials. Further, it’s not as if Apple itself is shy about lifting design cues from smartphones that it itself deems to be inspiring. But where Samsung runs into foul territory with the S6 is software.
While there’s only so much one can do with the hardware design of a smartphone, software affords designers endless avenues for creativity and originality. Unfortunately, some of the software cues we’ve seen on the S6 seem to indicate that the copying spirit at Samsung is alive and well.
Below are two quick examples.

First off, we have the setup screen for Samsung’s fingerprint reader. While there’s nothing wrong with Samsung incorporating a fingerprint reader onto the S6, the design Samsung opted for during the setup process is a blatant ripoff of the iPhone.
In order to get the iPhone to recognize a new fingerprint, users must tap on the iPhone home button repeatedly. With each successive tap, an animated photo of a fingerprint grows in size as to indicate that the iPhone is successfully gathering more information about the print.
Upon completion, it looks something like this.


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